To kick off the year on the right “foot”, we would like to announce the start of our inaugural $5000 Charity Paint Giveaway! Over the next two months we are going to be collecting stories of families or nonprofit groups in the Bend/Redmond area in need of painting services but who are unable to afford them. In March we will meet as a company and vote on who we feel is the most deserving of the $5000 in painting services. Maybe a medical emergency or loss of a job has made it impossible to maintain their home, or for a non-profit, support from contributors has diminished leaving budgets too tight for needed improvements. If so, we want to hear about it! As a company we’ve been searching for a way to give back to a community that has supported us so much over these past 5 years and we feel strongly that this is it! We aim to grow this event each year and have it become a staple in the community.
Now this is a true giveaway, no small print or strings attached. All supplies and paint are being donated by Sherwin Williams, all promotion of the event is being sponsored by Pronto Prints, and Dana Signs, even our entire crew is helping out by donating their time and talents.
To submit a story of someone in need, simply go onto our website at www.webfootpainting.com and follow the links for the “$5000 Charity Paint Giveaway”. Stories can also be submitted via mail, email, or phone. We’d love your support in making this event a success, so please pass on this information to other people in the community and keep your ears and eyes open for families and non-profits in need of painting services. Look for press releases in the coming weeks in all the local publications. If someone were interested in sponsorship opportunities, there are some available. We hope to have gift baskets donated for the top three nominated groups, food and beverage donated for the day of the event, even showing support by displaying a window poster in your office or store front would be appreciated.
We wish all of you a happy and healthy 2010. We’ll be announcing the winner of the $5000 Charity Paint Giveaway in March, so check your emails! For more information on the giveaway check out our website www.webfootpainting.com
Best Regards,
Gavin Hepp
Webfoot Painting Co
61535 S Hwy 97 Ste 9-277
Bend, OR 97702
(541) 390-0590
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